Media device menu commands

The Media device menu offers the following commands:

Audio Capture Filter: primary channel... Open options dialog for audio capture filter of primary channel.
Audio Capture Filter: assistant channel... Open options dialog for audio capture filter of assistant channel.
Video Capture Filter: primary channel... Open options dialog for capture capture filter of primary channel.
Video Capture Filter: assistant channel... Open options dialog for capture capture filter of assistant channel.
Media Stream: primary channel... Open options dialog for setting parameters of media stream in the primary channel.
Media Stream: assistant channel... Open options dialog for setting parameters of media stream in the assistant channel.
Video Crossbar: primary channel... Open options dialog for video crossbar filter of primary channel.
Video Crossbar: assistant channel...... Open options dialog for video crossbar filter of assistant channel.
TV Tuner: primary channel... Open options dialog for the TV tuner of the primary channel.
TV Tuner: assistant channel... Open options dialog for the TV tuner of the assistnat channel.